5 Tips For A Better Health
Our body is our temple and we must
take care of it to live a healthier life. Do you know more than 70% of peoples
in the globe are suffering from health issues. That’s weird, but true! Think of
your body as a shell to take you through life. If we repeatedly mishandle it
with junk, unhealthy foods, you body will get weak. We may look fit from
outside but from inside our body will get block with cholesterol and other
diseases. That’s not good for us.
Life is so beautiful and we do not want to stick up with unnecessary health issues. Our vital organs (like lungs, kidney, heart, liver, stomach etc) may be working well today but they may get damaged tomorrow if we continue heaving unhygienic foods that are like poison for our body.
Good health is not just about the healthy eating or looking healthy for outside – it also includes positive attitude, mental health and mainly a healthy lifestyle. In this article, I’ll share you some tips to have a healthier lifestyle.
- Drink more water: Most of us actually don't drink enough water daily but the water is essential to make our body functions in a better way. Even our body is made up with 60% of water. It is important to restore water as our body loses water in routine through urine, sweating, breathing etc.

Moreover, drinking enough water also
aids in losing pounds. A study have showed that the peoples with
regular water intake lose more weight than the others. The researchers believe
that drinking more water makes fills our stomach and make us less hungry.
The amount if water we need, depends upon the various factors like humidity, our activities or weight, but we must drink 2.7 to 3.7 liters of water regularly to make our body healthy. Some of the signs that shows you are not getting enough includes: dry lips, dry mouth, sudden food cravings, reduced urination or change in urine color etc. So, just go and get some water
- Get enough sleep : When you don’t sleep well or when you don’t take proper rest, you compensate it with eating usually with junk food that makes our body unhealthy form inside. Lack of sleep also effects on your memory, health, looks, ability to lose weight and even it lowers down your sex drive. Also, insufficient sleep cause premature aging like dark circles, eye bags etc and I bet you wouldn’t want that. So get proper sleep and make your body fit and healthy.
- Meditate : Meditation is being relaxed and thoughtless. In simple, it makes our mind and body relax and calm our soul. Study proves that it not only decreases the stress but it also has the some well defines health benefits like improved immunity level and decreased pain. It also sharpens the memory and attention power. If you are worrying about how to meditate, just go through this to get started with meditation.
- Exercise : Do exercise, not just a few times in a week, but regularly. Research has shown that regular exercise brings some delightful benefits to our health including, control on body weight, higher bone density, tackle many health problems and diseases, enhances mood and boosts up energy and also zests up your sex life. So, increase physical activities in your life like: choose walking instead of transports for shorter distance, try to sue stairs in place of lift, do cycling, join some aerobics classes, do workouts, take up a sport you like etc.
- Eat Fruits & Vegetables : Fruits and veggies provides various health benefits, even the dietary guidelines recommend to make one half your plate with fruits and veggies as it provides essential nutrients (Potassium, vitamins, fiber etc) to the body and make us healthy form inside. Eating a healthy diet rich in veggies and fruits help reduce heart diseases, protects against cancers, reduces constipation and make our body healthy.